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It never ceases to amaze me how much the creator “Baba God” put into creating our sexual organs. Little wonder, its effective usage remains the most essential natural remedy for a healthy life. Oh, before you question the efficacy or otherwise of the above claims. Empirical evidence is there for you to sort out.

The proverb — healing and revitalization power of sex and orgasm is undoubtedly documented. It looks and walks like magic yet it is no magic-it heels and restores us and stands as a strong foundation for better overall health.


Sex burns calories – about 100 for an average 30 minutes session. That is exactly more than tennis. And when you “walk out” in all the night positions, think about how successfully you can tone your tummy, thighs, and even your tush; hahahahaaa! 


Sex is often thought of as a form of exercise, but it can actually burn more calories than you’d expect. When you have sex with your partner, the intensity and duration of intercourse causes your heart rate to increase. This increased heart rate causes blood flow to be redirected from other parts of the body such as arms and legs toward the genitals. Your muscles also contract during sexual activity which strains them even further and helps them tone up. The result? You feel stronger after having sex! In fact, some studies show that women who regularly engage in regular orgasms lose an average 5% off their waistlines every month due to increased muscle mass. If all this sounds good enough for you then consider combining sex with cardio exercises like jogging or cycling so that both activities benefit each other in terms of calorie expenditure when combined together.”


And to think we could save ourselves all the grief of dosing up on echinacea, zinc, and God forbid, if we get sick, all the chicken soup that ends up bloating us up, the drugs, and saline. What would you rather have: sex or a flu shot? Think about it!

Sex is one of the best ways to relieve stress and fight off a cold or flu. When you have sex, your body releases endorphins that help to ease depression, anxiety and pain. Endorphins also make it easier for your immune system to function properly. This can help prevent infection from spreading throughout your body during an illness. Sex also increases production of IgA antibodies in the blood which helps fight infection by binding to viruses or bacteria before they can enter cells where they cause damage.


  • Two of the most common irritating pelvic ailment can be cleared up or even avoided altogether with regular orgasms.
  • When a woman has an orgasm, the bad bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTI) gets flushed out by the cervix
  • Orgasms can and do ward off and even eradicate cervical infections.
  • More orgasms mean higher estrogen, which lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, less bad cholesterol and positive impact on cardiovascular health
  • Regular orgasms reduce cramps and its severity.


Sex and orgasms are natural tranquilizers and it relieves tension. Anticipatory release relaxes the muscle tautness thus knocking off those nasty; annoying tensions trapped in your nervous system during the day.

Sex is the best way to get a good night’s sleep. Research has shown that sex improves the quality of your sleep and reduces stress levels, which can help you fall asleep more easily. Sex also releases oxytocin and endorphins into your body, both of which make it easier for you to relax as well as stay relaxed throughout the night. If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try having sex once in a while before bedtime—but don’t overdo it! You should only have sex when both people are fully rested (and not hungover). Also keep in mind that if you choose not to have sex at all during this time period (which happens sometimes), then try exercising instead—exercising will help release endorphins into your system, which may help boost feelings of relaxation and sleepiness as well!

Did you know?

Having sex just once a week can boost your immunity by 30 percent. So imagine the benefits of getting down and dirty three, five, or even more in a week!

– Dr. Natasha Valdez.

“Studies have proven again and again that people who report having good sex life also report a better quality of life overall”?

“Do you know your emotional IQ? Studies have shown that women with high emotional intelligence have more frequent and intense”.

– Dr. Natasha Valdez.

In a study conducted by the AARP, it was found that for people ages fifty and over, the ones who described their, level of health as excellent or very good were the ones having sex at least once a week.

– Dr. Natasha Valdez.

Meanwhile, what your lover should really be attracted to is your heart. Maybe, if you felt that connection beyond a physical level, you would realize a sexual attraction you have never felt before.

– Anthony D’ Ambrosia, a relationship columnist, New Jersey.


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