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Beyond being pleasurable, Sex connects two individual; There’s a reason why its referred to as making love. There’s just something about touching someone, kissing someone, feeling someone that should make your hair stand up.

I am baffled by couples who neglect having sex, especially younger ones. We all desire physical connection, so how does cutting that off lead you to believe your marriage will be successful or it’s a success? It’s like telling someone you’ll take them out to a restaurant but they can’t order food!

Instead, we have sex once every couple of weeks, or when it’s time to get pregnant. It becomes this chore. You no longer look at your partner wanting to rip their clothes off, but rather instead, dread the thought. That’s not crazy to you?

It’s not just boredom that stops sex from happening. Everywhere you look, there are pictures of men and women half naked- some look better than your husband or wife. It’s in your face every single day and changes your mindset.

No wonder insecurities loom so largely these days. You have to be perfect to keep someone attracted to you. (do you have to, excuse me! I think, you only need to do the needful, never taking your partner for granted)

You’d be naive to believe this stress doesn’t cause strain on marriages today. One needs to find a job to pay for student loans, marriage, utilities, living expenses, and children. Problem is, it’s extremely difficult to find a job that can provide an income that will help you live comfortably while paying all of these bills-especially not in your 20’s and 30’s.

This strain causes separation between us. It halts us from being able to live life. We are too busy to enjoy our lives. Forget dinner out, you have to pay all the utility bills bit how about vacations? Not happening anymore.

Part of good living is being able to live. Not having the finances to do so takes away yet another important aspect of our relationships. Puts us in an awful position

The cost of living these days has become a major threat to marriages. Years ago, it didn’t cost so much to acquire an education. It also didn’t cost so much to own a home.   

Marriage is sacred. It has tremendous promise for those fortunate enough to experience it. I am a believer in true love and building a beautiful life with someone. Infact, it’s been my dream since I was young.

I do fear, however, that the world we live in today has put roadblocks in the way of living a happy life with someone. Somethings are in our control, and unfortunately, others are not. People can agree or disagree.

I hope you never experience the demise of your love. It’s painful and life-changing; something nobody should ever go through. 


  1. Pingback: BEAUTIFUL LOVE WONDERFUL LIFE - Your Ecstasy


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